
Rules Reference


Agility: Dodge, tumble, run, shoot.
Brawn: Lift, push, resist, hit.
Cunning: Spot, sneak deceive, cast.

See Attributes

Attribute Checks

Roll under attribute on 1d20 to succeed.
Well positioned? Roll with Advantage.
Very hard? Roll with Disadvantage.

If failure isn’t interesting or risky, you just do it.

See Attribute Checks

Saving Throws

Roll under the most appropriate attribute on 1d20.

If the effect was caused by a creature, roll under the attribute but over the creature’s HD.

You can’t exert yourself on saving throws.

See Saving Throws


After failing an attribute check or an attack roll you can exert yourself and succeed. You exert yourself by reducing an attribute by the difference between your roll and the number required for success.

  • If you rolled over your attribute, subtract your attribute from the result of the roll. Reduce your attribute by that number temporarily.
  • If you rolled under your enemy’s AC in combat, subtract your roll from the AC. Reduce your attribute by that number permanently.

Exerted attributes may be restored or improved when you recover.

See Exertion



When you encounter residents of the dungeon whose attitude is not clear, roll 2d6.

Reaction 2d6
2-3. Friendly
4-6. Helpful
7. Uninterested
8-10. Hostile
11-12. Murderous

See Reactions



Roll 1d20 vs Agility. Roll under to act before enemies, under to act after.

Roll exactly your Agility: take a quick action and act before enemies.

Adventurers using scroll act last.

Re-roll initiative at the beginning of each combat round.

See Inside A Combat Round


Roll 1d20 under Brawn (Melee) or Agility (Ranged) and over the enemy AC to hit.

Roll your attribute exactly to take another free attack.

Roll enemy AC exactly to lower AC by 1 but deal no damage. Armour breaks when it reaches AC 0.

To cast a Ritual during combat, roll 1d20 under Cunning and over any damage you already took that round.

See Making An Attack and Rituals In Combat.


Once per combat round you may modify a roll by +/- X when X is your total Scars. You must modify the roll by exactly this amount.

See Using Scars


At 0 health, rol 2d6.

  • If equal to or lower than your Scars, you die.
  • If higher than your Scars, roll your Recovery Die and recover than much health, then gain a new Scar.

See Dying and Choose Scars


  • HDd6 health.
  • Attack value equals 11+HD (max. 19)
  • Roll under attack and over adventurer AC to hit. 1d6 damage on hit unless otherwise specified.
  • Deals double damage when they roll exactly their attack.

Award 100XP per HD for enemies defeated, avoided, or captured. XP is split equally among party members.

See and Dungeon Denizens and Being Attacked

Enemy Attacks per Round

HD Attacks/Round
1-3. One
4-7. Two
8-11. Three
12+ Four


Roll when a lone enemy reaches half health or each time an enemy in a group dies.

Morale Roll: 1d20 vs. (10 + HD)

  • Under: They continue to fight.
  • Over: They flee.
  • Exactly their Morale: They gain a free attack and continue to fight.

See Morale

Rest and Recovery

Rest somewhere safe for the night to recover 1d6 health.

Exerted attributes require a week of uninterrupted bed rest. At the end of the week:

  • Roll your Recovery Die once
  • Regain that many points in your exerted attribute
    • If more than one attribute was exerted you may divide these points among them
  • If the roll would increase an attribute beyond its previous maximum, increase that attribute to the new total permanently.

Attribute can’t be increased above 18 by resting.

See Resting