

The Inventory

You have inventory slots equal to your Brawn minus your armour’s armour class (AC). If you rolled the Extra +2 AC, always” or have gained a bonus to AC through other means, this does not impact your inventory space.

Items not worn or carried in the hands take up slots, and are assumed to be stowed in a backpack. To access a stowed item during combat, make a Cunning check. On a success, you spend your action retrieving the item. On a failure you spend your action unable to locate it. If you roll exactly you Cunning, you lay hands on it immediately and are still able to take an action this round.

Each slot can hold up to 200 coins and gems, 16 candles, or six torches.

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Characters who attempt to carry more items than they have inventory slots available become encumbered. Encumbered characters who find themselves in combat can either move or make an attack, and always go last in initiative.

A character who tries to carry more than 1.5x their normal inventory slots struggles to move. Every turn they remain active requires them to exert 1d3 Brawn.

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The standard unit of currency is the silver piece (sp), which may be broken into 10 copper pennies (cp). Fifty silver pieces are worth 1 gold pound (gp).

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A Dungeon Game doesn’t contain extensive weapon lists. Weapons and armour are categorised as Small, Medium, or Large, each with different benefits and drawbacks. You may describe your arms and weapons in any way that suits your character.

Small weapons cost 4sp. Medium weapons cost 8sp. Large weapons cost 12sp.

Melee Weapons

  • Small. 1d6 damage with disaadvantage. Ignores armour when enemies are prone or taken by surprise. 1
  • Medium. 1d6 damage.
  • Large. 1d6 damage with advantage. -2 to Agility on initiative rolls. Requires two free hands.

Ranged Weapons

  • Small. 1d6-1 damage. +2 to Agility on initiative rolls.
  • Medium. 1d6 damage. Requires two free hands.
  • Large. 1d6 damage with advantage. Ignores armour. Requires two free hands.

Reloading a small ranged weapon is a free action.

Reloading a medium ranged weapon takes a move action.

Reloading a large ranged weapon takes an entire round.

Characters who miss ranged attacks against targets engaged in melee combat risk striking the other combatants. 2

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Armour and Shields

  • Light armour. 30sp. AC 2.
  • Medium armour. 50sp. AC 4.
  • Heavy armour. 80sp. AC 6.
  • Shield. 15sp. +1 AC. Can’t be used while wielding a weapon that requires two free hands.
  • Helmet. 10sp. Can be sacrificed to negate a single damage roll.

Unarmoured characters have AC 0.

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The dungeon lacks light. You must provide your own.

A candle, torch, or lantern sheds enough light to illuminate a single room. When a player first uses a light source, the GM rolls the indicated dice and makes a note of the result. Lower the number by one after each turn. When the number reaches zero, the light source goes out.

When the light source is threatened by wind or moisture the character in possession of the light can make a saving throw, using the light source’s current number in place of their attributes. If the result of the roll is equal to or higher than the light’s number, the light goes out.

  • Candle, 1d6. 1cp. 16 candles to one inventory slot.
  • Torch, 2d6. 1sp. 6 torches to one inventory slot.
  • Lantern, 3d6. 7sp. 1 lantern per inventory slot. 2 flasks of oil per inventory slot.

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Adventuring Gear

The following list includes the mundane equipment your character may want or need for adventuring. Most items are readily available and may be purchased when resting outside the dungeon in between adventures.

This is not an exhaustive list of items available to players. The GM should feel free to introduce new items from other sources. Similarly, players may request items not listed here. As with all things, err on the side of permissiveness.

Those items that have explicit rules governing their usage are detailed below.

Item Cost Item Cost
Backpack 10sp Bell 1sp
Belt pouch 1sp Birdcage 5cp
Block and tackle 5sp Bucket 5cp
Chain (per ft.) 3sp Canvas (per sq. yard) 1sp
Chalk 1cp Crampons 4sp
Crowbar 3sp Drill, iron 5sp
Dry rations (per week) 10sp Glass bottle 10sp
Grappling hook 75sp Holy water (flask) 25sp
Hourglass 25sp Holy symbol, silver 30sp
Holy symbol, wooden 5sp Iron spikes, half dozen 1sp
Ladder, 10 ft. 5sp Lamp oil (flask) 6cp
Lard, pint 5cpLock 70sp Lockpicks
Magnifying glass 2gp Map or scroll case 1sp
Mirror, small metal 10sp Pickaxe 20sp
Piton 3cp Pole (10 ft.) 2sp
Pulley 25sp Rations, week 15sp
Reed, hollow 1cp Rope (per 50ft.) 10sp
Salt (per lb.) 1cp Shovel 10sp
Signal whistle 8cp Stakes, wooden, pair 1sp
Soap (per lb.) 5cp Spyglass 20gp
Waterskin 1sp Wine,flask 2sp
Tent (sleeps two) 15sp - -


Characters are assumed to start play with a backpack, which provides their base inventory slots. Additional backpacks can be used to increase inventory space, providing extra slots equal to half your Brawn (rounded down). Only one extra backpack can be carried at a time, and it takes up an inventory slot.

Characters carrying multiple backpacks have -2 to Agility on initiative rolls.

Belt Pouch

Can store one item, which can be accessed instantly in combat as though you rolled exactly your Cunning.


Every 10 feet of chain carried uses one inventory slot.


Grants advantage on checks made to climb sheer surfaces.

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Animals and Vehicles


Animal Cost
Boar 50sp
Bull 100sp
Calf 25sp
Cat 1cp
Chicken 2cp
Cow 50sp
Dog, guard 140sp
Dog, hunting 100sp
Dog, mutt 40sp
Dog, war 120sp
Donkey, mule, or ass 40sp
Goat 5sp
Goose 5cp
Horse, draft 1,000sp
Horse, war 2,000sp
Horse, riding 375sp
Ox 75sp
Pig 15sp
Pony 150sp
Ram 20sp
Sheep 10sp
Swan 5sp


Vehicle Cost
Barge 2500sp
Cart 100sp
Coracle 50sp
Canoe 150sp
Kayak 250sp
Wagon 600sp


Hirelings looking for work can be found in most settlements.

When you hire a hireling, roll 1d3 to determine their HD.

  • Guide. 2sp per day to show the way.
  • Torchbearer. 2sp per day to carry things and light a path. Has HD + 6 inventory slots.
  • Tunnel Digger. 5sp per day to dig tunnels.
  • Sellsword. 10sp per day to fight (light armour, medium melee weapon, small ranged weapon or medium armour, small melee weapon, heavy ranged weapon).

  1. When attacking with a weapon that ignores armour, your attack is a success if you roll under your attribute even if you also roll under the enemy’s armour. You can’t damage enemy armour by rolling exactly their AC with one of these weapons.↩︎

  2. For more details, see Ranged Attacks.↩︎