

This is a working document. At the time of publication, no magic items have yet been written for A Dungeon Game. Magic items will be added to the game in due course alongside a generator for magic weapons.

When creating your own magic items for the game, remember that all magic weapons should be intelligent. These items are very rare.


Likewise, the coinage found in dungeons is more often than not ancient currency. In most cases this is simple to exchange or melt down into its constituent metals, and GMs should generally allow players to bank coins recovered as though they were normal currency. Use your best judgement as to whether coin hoards of particular antiquity might be worth more than the face value of their contents, and whether making the players hunt for a buyer before they can convert their coin to cash is actually interesting or enjoyable.

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Distributing Treasure

Treasure found in dungeons comes from two sources. Individual treasures are the personal wealth of the people and creatures who live in the dungeon, carried on their person as they go about their business. These are usually small amounts; handfuls of coins, pieces of jewellery, small gemstones, etc. Use the Pocket Treasures table to generate them.

The second type of treasure is found in hoards. These are large deposits of valuables located in dungeons, often guarded by traps or some sort of creature but just as often left forgotten and undiscovered. These form the bulk of the wealth that player characters will have access to.

As part of designing a dungeon the GM generates an amount of treasure using the tables below and distributes it either by placing it by hand or else with the aid of the dungeon stocking procedure.

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Dungeon Size

For the purposes of using these generation tools and distributing treasure, dungeons comes in three sizes:

  • Small. 4 to 15 rooms. Can be explored in around 4 hours of play. Parties may explore this dungeon in one delve, only returning to the surface when they have achieved their goals.
  • Medium. 16 to 24 rooms. Can be explored in around 8 hours of play. Parties might camp just outside the dungeon, or set up a safe place to rest for the night inside. Food and resources might be tested.
  • Large. 25+ rooms. Will take many sessions to explore. Parties may leave and return multiple times, and resource management will be important. 1

Dungeons smaller than 4 rooms will tend not to contain large treasure hoards, and instead should be stocked with individual treasure appropriate to their occupants and purpose. As with everything, use your best judgement and build something that fits your game. If you want to place a large hoard at the end of a 3 room dungeon, that is entirely your prerogative.

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Generating Treasure

The tables that follow will help you generate the both the value and composition of the treasures that are contained in your dungeon.

To generate a hoard, find the row that matches the Dungeon Size and Dungeon Level you picked when creating your dungeon. Each row contains several columns, and each column contains two values. The first, Frequency, is a number that represents the chance of that column’s treasure appearing in the dungeon. The second value gives the size of that treasure as some combination of d6 rolls. Treasures with no chance listed are always present, though you should still roll to determine the quantities in which they appear.

To check for the presence of treasure where a frequency above 0 is listed, roll 1d20. If the result is equal to or lower than the number given, the treasure type appears in the hoard.

Where the size range is expressed as d3 rather than d6, roll a six sided dice and half the result, rounding up. A roll of 1-2 becomes 1, 3-4 becomes 2, and 5-6 is a result of 3.

Where the Magic Items column gives a result of Any X”, roll X times on the Magic Item Type table below. Where the Magic Items column says Any X except Weapons”, re-roll results that produce magic weapons.

As an example, the Frequency of Silver Pieces in a Level 1 dungeon of any size is is 10. If the d20 result for silver when generating a hoard of this type is 10 or less, the hoard contains silver pieces. The row beneath it tells us that there are 3d6x100 silver pieces present regardless of the dungeon’s size, so we roll three six sided dicee and multiply the result by 100 to determine how many silver pieces are found.

Further information about specific types of treasure other than coinage is given after the tables.

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The Treasure Tables

Dungeon Level Dungeon Size Copper Pennies Silver Pieces Gold Pounds Gems Art Objects Magic Items Average Value
1 Frequency: 8 13 8 9 7 5
Small Dungeon: 2d6x100 3d6x100 1d3x5 1d3+5 1 1 Scroll. 3,195sp
Medium Dungeon: 3d6x100 3d6x100 1d6x5 1d3+10 1d3 1 Scroll. 5,180sp
Large Dungeon: 3d6x100 3d6x100 1d6x5 1d6+10 1d3 1 Potion or 1 Scroll. 6,580sp
2 Frequency: 9 15 10 11 13 7
Small Dungeon: 1d3x100 4d6x100 1d6x5 2d6+5 1d3 Any 1 except Weapons. 4,675sp
Medium Dungeon: 1d3x1000 4d6x100 2d6x5 3d6+5 1d3+1 Any 1 except Weapons + 1 Potion. 6,600sp
Large Dungeon: 1d3x1000 6d6x100 2d6x5 4d6x5 1d3+1 Any 1 except Weapons + 1 Potion 7,650sp
3 Frequency: 12 13 7 9 10 15
Small Dungeon: 1d6x1000 1d3x1000 1d3x10 2d6 1d6 Any 2 except weapons. 1-in-6 chance of 1 Weapon. 5,750sp
Medium Dungeon: 1d6x1000 1d3x1000 1d3x10 3d6 1d6+1 Any 2 except weapons. 1-in-6 chance of 1 Weapon. 7,800sp
Large Dungeon: 1d6x1000 1d3x1000 1d6x10 6d6 1d6+3 Any 2 except weapons. 1-in-6 chance of 1 Weapon. 10,750sp
4 Frequency: 7 9 13 9 7 9
Small Dungeon: 4d6x1000 1d6x1000 1d3x10 3d6 1d6 Any 2 + 2-in-6 chance of 1 Weapon. 9,150sp
Medium Dungeon: 3d6x1000 1d6x1000 1d6x10 4d6 2d6 Any 2 + Armour. 2-in-6 chance of 1 Weapon. 12,600sp
Large Dungeon: 3d6x1000 2d6x1000 1d6x10 5d6 2d6 Any 2 + Armour. 2-in-6 chance of 1 Weapon. 16,450sp
5 Frequency: 3 8 8 13 9 7
Small Dungeon: 3d6x1000 2d6x1000 3d6x5 1d3 1d3 Any 2 + 1 Scroll. 3-in-6 chance of 1 Weapon. 11,875sp
Medium Dungeon: 5d6x1000 3d6x1000 4d6x5 1d6 1d3 Any 1. d3 Potions. d3 Scrolls. 3-in-6 chance of 1 Weapon. 17,150sp
Large Dungeon: 5d6x1000 4d6x1000 5d6x5 1d6 1d3 Any 1. d3 Potions. d3 Scrolls. 3-in-6 chance of 1 Weapon. 21,525sp
6 Frequency: 0 12 7 10 5 7
Small Dungeon: - 4d6x1000 1d6 1d3 1d3 Any 4. 15,375sp
Medium Dungeon: - 6d6x1000 2d6 1d3 1d3 Any 4. 22,550sp
Large Dungeon: - 8d6x1000 2d6 1d3 1d3 Any 4. 29,550sp
7 Frequency: 0 13 13 9 7 7
Small Dungeon: - 6d6x1000 4d6 1d6 1d6 Any 4. 24,500sp
Medium Dungeon: - 8d6x1000 4d6 1d6 2d6 Any 4. 33,950sp
Large Dungeon: - 9d6x1000 6d6 3d6 4d6 Any 4. 43,400sp
8 Frequency: 7 11 12 10 13 13
Small Dungeon: 4d6x10,000 4d6x100 4d6 4d6 4d6 Any 4. 27,300sp
Medium Dungeon: 6d6x10,1000 6d6x100 6d6 8d6 6d6 Any 4. 40,950sp
Large Dungeon: 8d6x10,000 8d6x100 8d6 8d6 8d6 Any 4. 54,600sp
9 Frequency: 0 0 9 14 13 6
Small Dungeon: - - 7d6x100 5d6x10 6d6 Any 4 + 1 Weapon. 44,450sp
Medium Dungeon: - - 10d6x100 8d6x10 8d6 Any 4 + 1 Weapon. 65,100sp
Large Dungeon: - - 10d6x100 12d6x10 12d6 Any 4 + 1 Weapon. 88,900sp

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Average Value

The average value of each treasure hoard in silver pieces is given in the Average Value column at the end of each row. For quick reference it is also provided here. The values represent the amount of silver a typical horde of treasure is worth if all coins and items are present in the hoard and all rolls are average, which equates to how much XP adventurers who successfully extract the entire hoard will split between them. These averages don’t include the value of magical items that might be in the treasures, and assume that gems don’t vary from their base value.

Dungeon Level Dungeon Size Average Treasure Value
1 Small 3,195sp
1 Medium 5,180sp
1 Large 6,580sp
2 Small 4,675sp
2 Medium 6,600sp
2 Large 7,650sp
3 Small 5,750sp
3 Medium 7,800sp
3 Large 10,750sp
4 Small 9,150sp
4 Medium 12,600sp
4 Large 16,450sp
5 Small 11,875sp
5 Medium 17,150sp
5 Large 21,525sp
6 Small 15,375sp
6 Medium 22,550sp
6 Large 29,550sp
7 Small 24,500sp
7 Medium 33,950sp
7 Large 43,400sp
8 Small 27,300sp
8 Medium 40,950sp
8 Large 54,600sp
9 Small 44,450sp
9 Medium 65,100sp
9 Large 88,900sp

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When gems are found, use this table to determine the value of each gem. This table gives the base value for each gem and the general type of each stone.

To add some variety to your hoards and the values of loot being acquired you may wish to allow values of individual stones to vary. You can roll on the Gem Variations table to modify the stones adventurers find.

1d20 Gem Value Gem Type
1-5. 10sp Costume jewellery
6-10. 50sp Semi-precious
11-14. 100sp Semi-precious
15-18. 500sp Precious
19. 1,000sp Precious
20. 5,000sp Precious, rare
1d6 Gem Variations
1. Stone increases to the next higher base value. Roll again, ignoring results above 1. Gems that increase in value above 5,000sp double in value each time to a maximum of 80,000sp.
2. Value of stone doubles.
3. Stone is 10-60% above base value.
4. Stone is 10-60% below base value. 2
5. Value of stone is halved.
6. Stone decreases to next lower base value. Roll again, ignoring results above 1. Gems that decrease in value below 10sp decrease to 5sp, 1sp, 5cp, 1cp. No stone can decrease in value below 1cp.

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Gems By Type

Players may not be interested in exactly what sort of gemstones they have discovered, but the following table is provided to aid GMs who find themselves in need of a description.

Type Description
Costume Jewellery Rhinestone, lucite, polished glass, lapis lazuli, obsidian, malachite, pyrite, blue quartz
Semi-precious Stones Chalcedony, carnelian, jasper, onyx, moonstone, bloodstone, sardonyx
Precious Stones amber, amethyst, coral, garnet, topaz, pearl, peridot, jade
Rare Stones Opal, sapphire, diamond, emerald, ruby, jacinth, alexandrite, red beryl

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Art Objects

Art objects are valuables beyond jewellery and gemstones. Ornate cups and glasses, paintings, rugs, carvings, and the other small trinkets and goods that people surround themselves with.

1d20 Value
1-2. 1d6x10sp
3-5. 3d6x10sp
6-8. 1d6x100sp
9-10. 2d6x75sp
11-12. 2d6x100sp
13-14. 3d6x100sp
15-16. 4d6x100sp
17. 4d6x125sp
18. 1d6x1000sp
19. 2d6x750sp
20. 2d6x1000sp

After generating the value of an art object the GM should describe each item, since these things are more notable than simple gemstones. If you are struggling to think of something, roll on the following list.

  1. Carved bone or ivory statuette
  2. Finely wrought gold bracelet
  3. Silk vestments stitched with gold thread
  4. Black velvet masks studded with crystals
  5. Large tapestry
  6. Silver-plated longsword with rubies set in the hilt
  7. Beautifully carved wooden harp
  8. Solid silver idol
  9. Gem-encrusted velvet eye patch
  10. Silver tiara
  11. Finely made thick fur coat
  12. Set of silver stacking dolls
  13. Oil painting in a gold-plated frame
  14. A set of leather-bound encyclopedias with gilt edges
  15. Silver chalice studded with lapis lazuli
  16. Silver calligraphy pen and bottled inks
  17. Exquisite taxidermy
  18. Crystal decanters
  19. Finely carved redwood coffin
  20. Bone statuette inlaid with mother of pearl

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Magic Item Type

None of these items have yet been written. Convert items from other games, write your own, or else replace them with Scrolls and Rituals carved as Sigils in the dungeon.

1d20 2d6 Category
1-5. Potions & Oils
6-8. Scrolls
9. Rings
10. Rods
11. Staves
12. Wands
13. Books and Tomes
14. Jewels & Jewellery
15. Clothing
16. Bags and Bottles
17. Dusts
18. Stones
19. Musical Instruments
20. 2-8. Weird Stuff
20. 9-11. Helms & Armour
20. 12. Weapons

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Magic Weapons

Magic weapons are rare. Some are created intentionally, the end result of rituals that force the soul from the body and trap it inside the weapon. Others are created via more mundane means, the by-product of acts of extreme violence and betrayal.

All of these weapons retain their intelligence and their personalities. Many have been left alone in the dark for hundreds if not thousands of years, with nobody but themselves and the rats to speak to. Others have been dragged across the earth in endless cycles of violence. All of these post-death experiences leave a mark on the psyche of the weapon.

Magic weapons may be indistinguishable from mundane weapons when first discovered, and the intelligences trapped within them may not reveal themselves to new wielders immediately.

Each magic weapon should have a unique power. There is no such thing as a +1 longsword in A Dungeon Game.

This version of A Dungeon Game provides statistics for one such weapon as an example. The sword Hadratha is found in The Moss Mother’s Maze.


Weapon Type: Longsword (medium melee weapon)
Aliases: Twin-Edge
Location: The Moss Mother’s Maze

Hadratha was betrayed by her companion Alarath, who slaughtered her inside the Moss Mother’s Maze and left her for dead alongside the sword he used to cut her down. As her blood pooled around the blade she vowed vengeance.


When you roll damage you can Exert 1 point of Cunning to add an additional damage die. You can do this as many times as you like on each attack, provided you have the Cunning to pay.

Sacrificing Cunning to the blade in this way strengthens Hadratha, with the following effects.

Total Cunning Sacrificed Effect
2 Hadratha reveals herself to her wielder, speaking to them mentally.
4 Hadratha resists being discarded. Make a Cunning save to use a different weapon in combat. Make this save at Disadvantage if you intended to discard the weapon permanently.
6 Hadratha’s thirst for violence is palpable to those who encounter you. +3 to reaction rolls when you are present.
7 You can make two strikes when you attack with Hadratha.
9 Each time you strike with Hadratha and don’t Exert to deal additional damage, make a Cunning save. On a failure you Exert 1 point of Cunning, with the normal effect.
12 Hadratha is strong enough to become corporeal. At a time of her choosing she steps out of the blade and takes physical form. The blade becomes and ordinary weapon with no special qualities.

Hadratha Given Flesh
HD 6 AC 7
Deals damage directly to Cunning.
Can choose for her attacks to hit without making an attack roll. She can do this up to 12 times, after which point she loses this ability.

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Pocket Treasures

Individuals who live in the dungeon may carry their wealth with them. Roll on the following table once per creature HD to generate pocket treasures.

Magic weapons are not distributed using the table below but should be manually placed by the GM. Dungeon denizens in possession of magic weapons are incredibly rare and should be significant figures in your campaign.

2d6 Pocket Treasure
2-5 Nothing
6-7 1d20 sp
8 2d20 sp
9 1d6 random gems
10 1d6 random gems + 1d20 sp
11 A random art object
12 Roll 1d6. 1-3: Scroll. 5-6: Potion.

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Supplementary Tables

1d20 Treasure Container
1-3 Sacks
4-6 Bags/Pouches
7-8 Clay Urns/Jars
9-10 Chests
10-11 Strongboxes
12-13 Stone Containers
14-15 Iron Trunks
16-17 Wooden Crates
18 Dead body
19-20 Loose; no container
1d20 Treasure Guarded By
1-4 No guardian
5-6 Contact poison (1-3: On container; 4-6: On treasure)
7-8 Poisoned needles in lock or handles
9 Spring darts firing from front or top of container
10 Spring darts firing up from inside bottom of container
12-13 Blades on inside lip of container or scything across inside
14 Stinging insects living inside container
15 Gas released by opening container
16 Trapdoor in front of container
17 Stone block in ceiling above container
18-20 Sigil marked on container triggers on opening. Roll once on each column of the Guarding Sigil table, below
1d6 Guarding Sigil Words
1 Expanding
2 Exploding
3 Slowing
4 Collapsing
5 Falling
6 Corrupting
1d20 Treasure Hidden By/In
1-3 Secret space under container
4-7 Secret compartment in container
8-10 Beneath heaps of rubbish or dung
11-12 Under a loose stone in the floor
13-14 Inside the walls
15-20 Not hidden; in plain view

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  1. As with everything, these are guidelines - especially the time estimates! I have personally found that the 10 minute dungeon turn roughly maps to 10 minutes of real play, i.e. if my group plays for an hour, we will generally explore somewhere around six rooms. This is entirely a matter of the play style of individual groups, and your experience may well vary. This is fine, and the more you play the more you’ll get a sense for how big or small your dungeons should be to fit comfortably into your sessions.↩︎

  2. Adjust the value by 1d6x10% in the appropriate direction.↩︎