A Dungeon Game
Using This Website Sep 27, 2024 Getting Started This site contains the full and up to date text of A Dungeon Game. PDF and epub versions can be downloaded from Itch.io. Devlogs at Itch.io and Appendix N - Cinema Sep 19, 2024 Blog & Appendix N I started this short blog series back in April and then it fell by the wayside as other things had to take priority, but now we’re back. In the last Level-0 Characters Sep 11, 2024 Characters For a different play experience, you may decide to start characters at level 0. Each player controls four characters at the same time. Any who Devlog - QOL Updates Sep 10, 2024 devlog All of the work I’ve been doing on A Dungeon Game over the past few months has been what people love to refer to as “content creation” these days. Appendix N - Games Apr 24, 2024 Blog & Appendix N In the last post I talked about some of the fiction that has had an impact on A Dungeon Game. Today I want to talk about some of the other games Appendix N - Fiction Apr 2, 2024 Blog & Appendix N James at Grognardia wrote a good post about the problems of D&D’s Appendix N, namely that it’s just an un-annotated list of works that doesn’t Appendix N -Fiction Mar 29, 2024 Blog James at Grognardia wrote a good post about the problems of D&D’s Appendix N, namely that it’s just an unannotated list of works that doesn’t really Dungeon Generation and Treasure Tables Mar 18, 2024 devlog After a lot of work, I’m happy to report that A Dungeon Game now has robust dungeon generation tools and treasure tables for dungeons up to level 9. Treasure Tables Mar 15, 2024 Core Rules & Treasure This is a working document. At the time of publication, no magic items have yet been written for A Dungeon Game. The main treasure table assumes New Player Guides Mar 13, 2024 Getting Started & Releases & Resources The Moss Mother’s Maze comes with two pamphlets aimed at new players and GMs: So You Want To Explore A Dungeon and So You Want To Run A Dungeon Downloadable Files Updated Mar 13, 2024 Core Rules & devlog Apologies for two devlogs in a single day! The game has had a little bit of attention on Twitter today, and that was the impetus I needed to update Dungeon Generation Mar 7, 2024 Tools The Procedure Dungeon Size Dungeon Level Room Generation Exits Stocking Write Keys A procedure for generating dungeons. Where results don’t make Beneath The Cobbles Mar 7, 2024 Releases is now available on itch.io. A small 9 room dungeon generated using the soon-to-be-released dungeon generation tools and Sample Characters Mar 6, 2024 Getting Started & Characters These example/pre-generated characters were provided with The Moss Mother’s Maze. A = Agility B = Brawn C = Cunning H = Health S = Scars A 12 B 13 C Devlog - Outdoor Survival Mar 5, 2024 devlog As I begin work on The Fractured Nations I realised that this game doesn’t currently have rules for overland exploration. I’ve now fixed that. Devlog - Dual Wielding Mar 1, 2024 devlog A very minor devlog today. I realised that players always want to dual wield melee weapons in games and that I don’t have any way to handle that, so Play Report - FEAST Feb 26, 2024 Adventures & devlog I’m making an effort to write more play reports of my games. They’re an important part of the scene that I don’t think we see enough of any more, Conversion Guide - FEAST Feb 26, 2024 Releases This conversion guide is for use with FEAST. Creature and NPC stats are listed in the location where they appear in the text. For more information Devlog - Minor fixes & Treasure Tables Feb 4, 2024 devlog It was pointed out to me that the “Choose an Extra” roll table in Character Creation wasn’t numbered. It is now. It was also pointed out that the The Moss Mother's Maze - Full Release Jun 29, 2023 Releases The Moss Mother’s Maze is now available for purchase and download, in multiple editions. The digital edition is available from Itch.io at two price
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