
Using This Website

This site contains the full and up to date text of A Dungeon Game. PDF and epub versions can be downloaded from Itch.io. Devlogs at Itch.io and posts on this website will make it clear when those files are current with the text of this website.

The downloadable files at Itch.io are current as of March 12th, 2024.

The left menu bar provides links to each section of the game in roughly the same sequence as the chapters appear in the PDF/epub/printed versions. New players should begin with Character Creation. Some information is repeated between sections on the website to reduce the need to navigate away from pages.

For a brief overview of the key concepts in the game, see the Quick Reference page.

To aid with navigation of the website and finding specific sections, see the Table of Contents which functions as a site map.

The Home page contains a feed of announcements, updates, and a development blog.

Up next Appendix N - Cinema
Latest posts Using This Website Appendix N - Cinema Level-0 Characters Devlog - QOL Updates Appendix N - Games Appendix N - Fiction Appendix N -Fiction Dungeon Generation and Treasure Tables Treasure Tables New Player Guides Downloadable Files Updated Dungeon Generation Beneath The Cobbles Sample Characters Devlog - Outdoor Survival Devlog - Dual Wielding Play Report - FEAST Conversion Guide - FEAST Devlog - Minor fixes & Treasure Tables The Moss Mother's Maze - Full Release The Moss Mother's Maze - Online Edition A Heist Game June Update The Moss Mother's Maze