
Level-0 Characters

For a different play experience, you may decide to start characters at level 0. Each player controls four characters at the same time. Any who survive their first adventure go on to become fully-fledged level 1 characters.

Level-0 characters are little more than peasants. They have no experience of adventure, and are likely to die painful deaths very quickly.

If your health or any of your attributes ever reaches 0, you are dead.

To create a character at level 0:

  • Roll 3d6 in order for each attribute: Agility, Brawn, Cunning.
  • Roll 1d6 for Health.
  • Roll an Occupation from the list below.
  • Roll 1d20 for starting silver.
  • Roll two items from the equipment list below.

To generate a character randomly, use the generator at the bottom of the page.


  1. Archaeologist
  2. Astrologer
  3. Brewer
  4. Burglar
  5. Clergyman
  6. Courier
  7. Dramatist
  8. Ditch digger
  9. Forester
  10. Gambler
  11. Hangman
  12. Healer
  13. Jeweler
  14. Netmaker
  15. Ostler
  16. Scribe
  17. Taxidermist
  18. Trapper
  19. Undertaker
  20. Weaver


  1. Bell
  2. Ladder, 10 ft.
  3. Holy symbol, wooden
  4. Pole, 10 ft.
  5. Lantern
  6. Light armour (AC 2)
  7. Mirror, small metal
  8. Rope, 50 ft.
  9. Wheelbarrow
  10. Chicken
  11. Lard, pint
  12. Helmet
  13. Spyglass
  14. Magnifying glass
  15. Pig
  16. Soap, 1 lb.
  17. Lard, pint
  18. Grappling hook
  19. Chain, 20 ft.

There is a 1-in-6 chance that you start play with a single weapon of your choice from the list below.

  • Small melee weapon (1d6 damage with disadvantage. Ignores armour when enemies are prone or taken by surprise.)
  • Medium melee weapon (1d6 damage)
  • Medium ranged weapon (1d6 damage. Requires two free hands.)
  • Large ranged weapon (1d6 damage with advantage. Ignores armour. Requires two free hands. Takes an entire round to reload.)

Levelling Up

Level-o characters who survive their first adventure reach level 1.

To become a level 1 adventurer:

  • Gain a Scar if you did not already obtain at least one during your adventure. You may roll on the lists or determine your own scar based on the events of your adventure.
  • Swap two of your attributes, if you wish to.
  • Add half of your Brawn to your health to determine your new maximum health. Use your Brawn total before resting; level-0 characters lack Recovery Dice, and thus cannot recover exerted attributes.
  • If you found any Rituals during your adventure you may now attempt to learn them, following the normal procedure.

Level 0 Character Generator

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